Practical: means basic, useful, purposeful
Life: means the way of living.
Practical life Exercises are just that, they are
Exercises so the child can learn how to do living activities in a purposeful way.

All learning first comes through the senses. By isolating something that is being taught, the child can more easily focus on it. There are many different Montessori sensorial materials designed to help the child refine the tactile, visual, auditory, olfactory, and gustatory senses.

The development of language in early-childhood classrooms is an umbrella for the entire Montessori curriculum. Often teachers and parents consider activities on the shelves of the Language area as the heart of actual language learning.

Life of Math
The child learns numeration and is introduced to the decimal system (beads); he learns its functions and its operation (addition/subtraction/multiplication/division).

Cultural Life
The child is presented to the world through the History of Man and through Geography. He walks hand in hand with nature into the world of Zoology, Botany and explores every medium of art to express what he sees and heels.
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